Day 12

Today is the last day in Nairobi, Kenya. It was a hard day for us all. This morning we set out to St. Kizito’s to say goodbye to the children and teachers. We brought children’s socks and bought shoes here in Kenya and the teachers taught the bible story about Jesus washing the disciple’s feet before we got there this morning. When we arrived, we set up bowls with water and hydrogen peroxide in them. We had a long bench and class by class we brought the children out. We washed each child’s feet with water and paper towels, then dried them and put socks on. We were able to give each child a pair of new shoes. The simple action of washing children’s feet was so powerful and had a great impact, both on the children and the girls. All of the children were so excited and joyful to have a new pair of socks and shoes; they showed them off to everyone. They were proud and thanked us profusely. Their smiles were all the gratitude anyone could ever ask for. However, while we washed their cute little feet, we were overcome with all kinds of emotions. In the bible story, Jesus portrayed the importance of humbling yourself and serving others. While we washed those precious feet, we saw the joy you could receive after serving others. However, it was also heart breaking to see their joy from a simple pair of shiny black shoes, especially when getting new shoes is a routine thing for us back home. Seeing their feet was also extremely hard. The dirt caked on their heels and the broken and torn nails gave evidence to the extreme poverty they were living in. At times, we couldn’t help but shed a tear for each beautiful child. However, we have to trust that God will keep providing for the kids and for the school. He will continue to bless them and keep them safe. After we played with them for a little while, it was time to say the hard goodbye. We all held hands and sang Amazing Grace and prayed over the school. Many of the children were crying and it broke our hearts. All we could do was tell them we loved them and would never forget them and always pray for them. We waved goodbye and were silent on the way home. Those children will remain in our hearts always, even for those of us who never return. 

We are getting ready to leave for the airport for our flight at eleven thirty tonight. We all have mixed emotions about going home; we are excited to see our families and sleep in our own beds, but we are so sad to leave all our new friends here and the place we have grown to love. Most of us know we will return though, so that is making it okay to leave. We have a long trip home of two nine hour flights until we land tomorrow afternoon around four. We are ready to sleep and relax on the flight and can’t wait to see our family and friends! Asante sana Kenya, thank you for all the kindness and hospitality you have shown us, you will always be in our prayers!Image

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